
This project introduces new features and mechanics to kingdom come deliverance
If you enjoy this mod send me your screenshots / videos or maybe buy me a cup of coffee - thanks to all of you!
If you are interested in modding KC:D checkout the guide.




Take a look at the base building videos of sexybiscuit and other users to get an idea and how to install and use the modification - p.s. the videos are great!


Get the latest release from mods nexus or github, unzip the archive into your ‘KingdomComeDeliverance\mods’ - folder.
If the installation was succesful you’ll see the instructions-message on how to use the mod when the game has been started
(and a savegame loaded or a new game hast been created).

Using the devmode

You need to start the game with devmode enabled (the modification won’t work otherwise).
In your OS / explorer / shell:
<Steam>\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Bin\Win64\KingdomCome.exe -devmode

For Steam Users

The following list of files needed to be stored at:


As Im using the steam version I cant provide any details on using how to install and use the mod on the Epic Store or GoG -
however, take a look at the nexusmods page because many users reported to get the modification to work. See this link.

Uninstall / Removal

Its also safe to remove the mod at any time (if you’ve already created something within the game, without deleting it first, the entity stays in the game. Use #deleteall() within the ingame-console to clean up your scene.)

Usage / Keys

These keys can be used to interact with the mod - they’re also shown ingame.

Choose the next construction Button MouseWheel up Choose the previous construction Button MouseWheel down Create a new construction Key V Toggle rotation-mode for new construction Key R Remove a construction Key G Enable / Disable the modification Key H

Change default key-bindings

The keybinds.cfg file contains all keybindings used in the project - change it to a key or a controller button as you like.

Add new constructions to the selection, remove constructions

Not every asset is referenced in the project, because some are not suitable (split into multiple parts which would be a pain to position by hand, some are graphical effects, some are too large to be positioned by the player, etc.).

However, one could add models / cgfs from the assets on its own, the currently used constructions are listed in the file:


This is an overview of all the implemented features this project contains.


One target functionality architect introduces is the concept of constructions.

A construction is an entity within the cryengine There are different kinds of properties an entity can use from Construction, Construction-Properties - name (optional) - the name of the construction - the name will be built from the modelPath - modelPath - the relative path to the *.cgf file, contains the name of the model file and its physics - description - the description for the construction - groschenPrice - the price in groschen the user has to pay upfront (to whom? who recieves this money) => maybe there should be some kind of logic that 50% goes to the king and 50% to the city, and at some point you will get the money back or something like that, some kind of insurence or something - sitable - if true, the player can sit on this object - useable - if true, the player can use the object in some way - saveable - if true, the instance of the construction gets saved - cookingSpot - if true, the player can use the construction for cooking - sleepable - if true, the player can use the construction for sleeping Properties related to generating some item over a specified amount of time (like collecting water passively) or craft something out of x for y (x = generated item, y = cost of crafting for item x) - generator - if true, the item generates items over time specified by following properties - generatorOnUse - if true, the construction can be used by the player to generate an item - generatorItem - the item that gets crafted on use or after time - generatorItemCosts - the costs for producing this item (a set of resources and amounts) - generatorCooldown - the length of the intervall after an item gets generated passievly - generatorItemAmount - the amount of items the user recieves after an intervall Notes - Constructions which only contain a modelPath are handled as static entites (no functionality, just a model + collider + manged in savegames)

Town management

Its possible to define basic attributes of a home or town now. You can set a home position and return back any time or set a name for your town. There is also a statistics command which shows different aspects of your town.

Sets the current player-location as home / town

Sets the town’s name to Farkletown

Returns the player to his home / town

Displays a resume (a list of attributes, like name, town, generated resources) for your current town

Resource Management

Another new feature architect introduces is the management of resources.

There are different kinds of resources:

resources = { -- basic resources wood = 0, stone = 0, -- basic needs food = 0, water = 0, -- the money of the user, this should be bind to the actuals player value groschen = 0, -- this can be used for baking bread or other food in kingdom come deliverance wheat = 0, coal = 0, cords = 0, linen = 0, }

Building constructions will require the user to spend money and / or resources in order to actually built something - like the ingredients of a recipe. The implementation is not finished yet.

Custom Crafting

A construction who posses attributes like generatorOnUse can be used to realize simple crafting mechanics.

{ -- create a new construction which can be used for crafting modelPath = "...", generatorOneUse = true generatorItem = "wood" -- TODO }

.. this needs further updates.

Current features / To-Dos / bugs

This list contains all the features planned for later development, recommended by myself or the community:


This is an overview of all the available console- and lua- commands this project contains.

Console commands

The following list contains regular console commands

Lua functions

These functions offer advanced usage to the modifications internals, use at your own risk and save the game.
In order to execute a lua function, you have to prepend a ‘#’-character to execute it.

All commands are available in upper / lowercase format. #search(string s) -- Search for entites which name contains string s -- For example: #search("stone") - emits a list of entities containing the string "stone" -- Use Select to use one of your findings (without using the mouse wheel) #select(nr) -- selects the construction at Number nr and updates the user interface #selectFirst() -- selects the first construction and updates the user interface #selectLast() -- selects the last construction and updates the user interface #showall() -- lists all constructions to the ingame console #deleteall() -- deletes all constructions you've created #deleteAt(index)() -- delete the construction at number index (use #showall()) #toggleEntityLock() -- toggles the deletion_lock-value of the currently faced entity -- If true, the entity wont get deleted, no matter which function / mechanism is used, -- if false, the entity will get deleted (default) #reloadall() -- Reloads the source files of the project at runtime #rayCastHit() -- Use a raycast to determine entities in front of the player #lockAll() -- locks all constructions from the user -- by pressing 'O' you're locking the currently faced entity, which makes it undeleteable, press again to retoggle the state -- this method is useful when used after loading a saved game - this way you can keep your changes #unlockAll() -- unlocks all constructions from the user #setHome() -- Sets the current player-location as home / town #setHomeName("Farkletown") -- Sets the town's name #getHome() -- Returns the player to his home / town #showStats() -- Displays a resume (a list of attributes, like name, town, generated resources) for your current town


Getting started

Use architect_help to get an overview of the available console- and lua- commands.

There are new methods in order to look for constructions like #search(''), #select(nr), ...

The latest release also contains basic town management functionalities with #setHome(), #setHomeName(name), #getHome or s#howStats()

Use #search("...") to find all constructions which contain the search-param.

Its also possible to wrap multiple method calls, like #select(search("smithery") which search and returns the first construction which contains “smithery” as a part of its name.


Use #lockAll() to activate the deletion-lock of all constructions.

Use #unlockAll() to deactivate the deletion-lock of all constructions.

Town Management

Use #showStats() to get an overview of the towns name, owner, position, resources, …

… and for an overview of all existing generators, etc.

Use #setHome() to set the current player position as the new towns home position.

Use #setHomeName('farkletown') to set the towns name.

Use #getHome() returns the player to his previously set home position.

Implemented features - tl;dr


This list contains all changes happened during development - the versions should be compatible to each other (maybe) - already created entities wont be affected.

- Alpha versions (a) are unstable and in subject of larger changes - expect bugs. - Beta versions are more stable and in subject of smaller bugfixes - expect less bugs :). changelog 0.5.5a-test - preview-model physics are disabled now (the preview wont collide with the player anymore) - updated constructions (useable bathtubs (removes dirt), useable charcoal (adds dirt), reactive targets (simple arrow-hit detection), townbook (show overall stats of your town), added arrow-maker, added references (new constructions), ...) - updated github about-page and content, merged coding-guide into project and added sub-page, added constructions sub-page - upgraded codebase, removed and refactored (a lot of) code - added overview user-interface for available construction (scroll with page up and page down) - added persistent counter for target (count how many hits youve got) - fixed bug: preview didnt worked after loading a game - fixed bug: archery target used wrong model after startup - fixed bug: archery target was active rigidbody (moved on hit), is no inactive again changelog 0.5.4a-test - its now safe to enable / disable the mod - The functionality is now limited to mod-state - except console commands changelog 0.5.4a - added preview-system for new constructions - added rotation-mode pressing R to toggle - using the mousewheel rotates the preview around the Y-Axis changelog 0.5.3b - updated docs and added about page - https://benjaminfoo.github.io/Architect/ - "should-be-stable"-release changelog 0.5.3a - updated console api for easer use (use #search("string"), #select(nr), #selectFirst(), #selectLast(), ...) - updated resource-system & proper resource-generation (passively & overtime and - actively when used) - updated town management - updated simple crafting-system (see the resource-system and generation) - updated locking-system (use #lockAll() or #unlockAll() - updated available constructions (upgraded data-model, added alot of interior, ...) changelog 0.5.2b - added fallback keybinding - limited user's ability to remove constructions (no more deleted doors, ... or dogs) - added locking-functionality for entities - updated construction-types - updated persistence of construction parameters - removed bugs Version 0.5.1a - increased compatibility with other modifications Version 0.5a - implemented basic custom crafting system (this only works with constructions Author: the player) - updated useable entities (like chairs, beds, benches, etc.) - upgrade of entity-data models - split project into sub-packages Version 0.4b - implemented basic town management - implemented basic resouce-system - added option to rebind keys (look at the keybinds.cfg file to define your own keys) - removed invalid references from assets Version 0.3b - updated console api - refactoring, ui finish - documentation, screenshots Version 0.2b - updated set of available constructions - implemented collision-free naming of entities - bug-fixes Version 0.1b - implemented basic console api - refactored project Version 0.1a - implementation of basic construction-system (static entities) - integration of persistance for constructions


Get the modification at the nexus or at github.

Credits & Thanks

Thanks to Warhorse Studios for developing KC:D
Thanks to sexybiscuit for creating the great videos on how to use and install the modification!
Thanks to the Cheat Mod and Sim’s Camping Mod for being a great modders resources. This page uses bootstrap 4 and was generated with jekyll.